
Sunday, 26 June 2016

How To Unfriend All Facebook Friends At Once

What Is Facebook Unfriend Tool

Facebook unfriend tool is a free tool created by Facebook Social toolkit developers. It is made for simplifying the process of removing thousands of friends form your Facebook account. It can remove thousands of Facebook friends in a very short time. It can be used on number of Facebook accounts. It works with every Facebook account.

Why to use Facebook Unfriend Tool

If you have hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook then it becomes very hard to know about each and every friend. If you have many friends in your account then your news feed gets filled many posts. Facebook unfriend tool helps you to remove these friends from your account and cleaning your account. every Facebook account has a limitation of 5000 Facebook friends. If you reached this limit then you can not add more friends into your account. to remove this limitation you need to remove some friends in your account.After using our Facebook account for long time it gets filled with fake friends and strangers and inactive Facebook accounts. In such situation Facebook unfriend tool will be very helpful. It will help you in removing all the friends from your account.

How To Use Facebook Unfriend Tool

1.Download and install Facebook Social Toolkit from Chrome web store

2.Log in into your Facebook Account

3.Navigate to Facebook.com and start Facebook social Toolkit

4.Click on unfriend all the friends at once button

5.Click on OK button

After following above steps, Facebook social toolkit unfriend tool will remove all the friends from your Facebook account. For more information, please watch the video tutorial given below

Video tutorial on How to unfriend all Facebook Friends at once :

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